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We're thrilled to announce these updates, especially a new itinerary viewer for diving into Conveyal's multi-modal routing results! To view detailed transit itineraries, use the recommended routing engine (at least v6.8), pin a destination on the map, fetch results, and click the "View routes to destination" button.

Display a summary of routes to the destination
Display a summary of routes to the destination
Display a summary of routes to the destination

In the itinerary viewer, the left table shows a minute-by-minute summary of optimal itineraries from your selected origin to destination. Details for each itinerary are on the right, including access/egress time/mode, a range of total door-to-door durations (reflecting different waiting times encountered), the number of times the itinerary was used, and information about each transit leg of the journey (boarding/alighting stops, route, and in-vehicle time).

Additional improvements and bug fixes available with the v6.8 release:

  • Improved informational and warning messages returned while running an analysis
  • Revised on-street routing to prevent passing certain OSM barrier nodes (such as emergency exits)
  • Enabled experimental "generalized cost" routing on additional networks
  • Fixed a bug that could set an incorrect bicycle LTS in certain modifications
  • Improved file upload

This release adds:

  • New regional analysis options, including easier ways to activate travel time and detailed transit path results
Configuring travel time and path analyses
Configuring travel time and path analyses
Configuring travel time and path analyses
  • Smoother computational scaling for regional analyses
  • Updated employment/workforce data for US regions (using the 2019 release of LODES)
  • Clearer descriptions of certain uncommon errors

This release adds:

  • Zoom level selectors that unlock higher spatial resolutions for isochrones, spatial datasets, and accessibility results.
Isochrones with grid cell resolution z9 (left) vs. z11 (right)
Isochrones with grid cell resolution z9 (left) vs. z11 (right)
Isochrones with grid cell resolution z9 (left) vs. z11 (right)
  • Additional base map layers when viewing network bundles and data sources
  • Information on the selected analysis origin, and a button to set the origin to the center of the map
  • Bugfixes for importing modifications from other projects, and to eliminate occasional error messages when editing timetables